
Life is Short, Make it Count

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quote of the month

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
-Benjamin Disraeli,former UK P.M.

Crazy things to do #2

Lets continue the crazy things to do series to complement the mission: demolishing comfort zone.

Make a mental note of the following things which you can do easily , which will allow you to have fun and which you swear you will never do.

1.)Go to a crowded place and lie down on the floor for more than 10s.(e.g shopping mall/schools...please do not go to the roads and become roadkill)

If somebody asks, just tell them "I just felt like lying down for a sec"
If you see somebody picking up their cell phones, disappear as soon as possible cuz you are either gonna be shipped to the nearest hospital, cornered by some mental health personnel or be the latest celebrity on youtube.

*This is one of the most difficult thing for most people as for many it lies outside their comfort zone.

2.)Go up to a stranger and ask him/her some really weird question
(e.g Have you had extra-marital affairs before?The answer is not in his answer, but his expression.
Or, What would you do if i tried to kill you right here and now? Then put your hand into your bag and take up a menacing position.

His reactions could have you laughing for days and the triumphant realization that the stranger isnt really as scary as secondary school textbooks depict them to be. They might be more afraid of you then you are of them!

3.)Prank call your boss's boss and pretend you were somebody else calling your boss. Ask if he is ****(your boss) When he say he isnt, ask him(boss's boss) if he is in any way related to him. Then tell him you are some delivery company sending a shipment of viagra/impotence medicine/sex toys(anything he might be ashamed of!) and couldn't reach him. Ask if you can send to his office or if he could pass it to your boss, and he would vehemently oppose, and already crafting a mighty whacking for your boss who has no idea whats coming. Wait and see what happens when your hated boss gets lashed by higher authority with question marks floating around his head!

A sure-fire way to get tons of laughter. Not difficult though, and just a little out of the comfort zone for most people.

The comfort zone

Whoever you are, however much power you wield or money you have, everyone has their own comfort zone. Looking outside the zone gives you hope and excitement of how your boring life can be changed by venturing out. Exploring and testing the limits brings hopelessness and dread as you think about the consequences of stepping out and the unsurmountable limits of the comfort zone. Yet, as much as the limits are imaginary, so are the consequences. There is nothing but uncertainty out there, which can be both good or bad. However, this is all the similarities there is. The good can be so good, but the bad isnt really as bad as you imagine. Take a mtoment to think about the things you most fear doing, and think what are the consequences. When you really do take a moment to think about it, you will realize that it really cant affect you too much. Your house won't get burnt, your money will stay where it is and your family will still be safe.

If you dislike what you are doing right now, it is not going to change if you don't venture out of that comfort zone. A life of monotony awaits. Take the most uncomfortable step to move out of the ring and to the riches beyond, whatever it is you are seeking.

Truly happy people possess no comfort zones. They do what they like whenever they feel like it and do it whichever way they like. Demolish the walls built upon you by convention and social norms and venture out. A rewarding experience awaits.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Citizen Journalism

Recently been thinking about famous people/historical personalities who have impacted my life, and very strangely, instead of the normal lee kuan yew answer, or other political leaders, im strongly gravitated to this vegetable vendor in Hunan, China. Conferred the title "champion of citizen journalism" by TIME magazine, his exploits and efforts in procuring justice for the people in 2 cases is extremely commmendable.(Visit to learn more). Reporters without borders has also fascinated me ever since i came to know of it. Yet, its publications has rarely been publicized the way it should and its not getting as much power as it should be getting.

In an effort to engineer a power shift of the media from government states and private companies with sophisticated equipment and boundless resources, im trying to develop a website for such a purpose. This is the only way for normal citizens to be empowered with the power of the web, and in expressing their opinions provide a perspective to traditional media which is confined by the government restrains and advertising clout of companies.

Currently in the developmental stage, the website hopefully will be up in 3-6 mths time, and aspiring citizen journalists will finally be able to step onto the world stage and be on equal standing as the big companies. Yet, we will be a free entity devoid of bias and the only the truth will be presented.Keep the adrenaline down, prepare yourself for the day, and take the world by storm when it happens.