
Life is Short, Make it Count

Monday, May 19, 2008

The comfort zone

Whoever you are, however much power you wield or money you have, everyone has their own comfort zone. Looking outside the zone gives you hope and excitement of how your boring life can be changed by venturing out. Exploring and testing the limits brings hopelessness and dread as you think about the consequences of stepping out and the unsurmountable limits of the comfort zone. Yet, as much as the limits are imaginary, so are the consequences. There is nothing but uncertainty out there, which can be both good or bad. However, this is all the similarities there is. The good can be so good, but the bad isnt really as bad as you imagine. Take a mtoment to think about the things you most fear doing, and think what are the consequences. When you really do take a moment to think about it, you will realize that it really cant affect you too much. Your house won't get burnt, your money will stay where it is and your family will still be safe.

If you dislike what you are doing right now, it is not going to change if you don't venture out of that comfort zone. A life of monotony awaits. Take the most uncomfortable step to move out of the ring and to the riches beyond, whatever it is you are seeking.

Truly happy people possess no comfort zones. They do what they like whenever they feel like it and do it whichever way they like. Demolish the walls built upon you by convention and social norms and venture out. A rewarding experience awaits.

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